Influencer marketing

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Our pillar is the power of collaborative marketing.

That’s why we offer specialized influencer marketing services that will help your business reach new goals and build strong relationships with your audience. 

Influencers serve as the bridge between businesses and their audience. 

With their authenticity and influence, they can promote your products and services in a way that is effective and reliable.

 With our expertise in influencer marketing, we create carefully designed and targeted campaigns that will bring the best results for your business.

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Strategic Analysis

Goal Definition:

Setting the objectives of the 

Influencer Marketing campaign, such as 

increasing website traffic, boosting sales, or 

enhancing brand awareness.

Audience Analysis: 

Analyzing the influencers’ audience to 

understand their preferences, needs, and habits.

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influencer selection

Influencer Analysis: 

Searching and selecting influencers 

that align with the brand and the target audience.

Influence Evaluation: 

Assessing the influencer based on 

their number of followers, audience engagement, 

and level of activation.

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Campaign Planning

Collaboration and Agreements: 

Negotiating agreements with influencers 

regarding the campaign details, the products/services

they will promote, rewards, and terms.

Content Creation: 

Collaborating with influencers to create 

content that will promote the brand or product.

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campaign implementation

Posting and Promotion: 

Influencers post the content and promote 

it on social networks or other suitable 

communication channels.

Ready to make
your business glow?

Let’s get in touch!